Friday, 12 April 2013

Alcohol damage on people

           Alcohol misuse can adversely affect individuals’ physical, mental, social as well as cultural well-being if they over indulge. For example, alcohol abuse or addiction can lead to diseases, accidents and disturbances in family life.

          There are at least four key factors that must be taken into account when considering the results of this investigation. First, the society must be considered. This includes the government, families, friends and organizations. Second, the effects on mental and physical health must be considered. Third, the importance of alcohol to social events must be considered, as well as its contribution to culture. Finally, the problems that alcohol use can lead to, including criminal activity, must be evaluated.

Alcohol Misuse Among Australians

     Alcohol misuse is common in Australia today. Many social issues, including misuse of alcohol, negatively affect the Australian population.

      Excessive alcohol consumption, including beer, wine, and spirits, is prevalent within the population, but can be dangerous. While moderate drinking might not pose health hazards, excessive drinking has a number of negative effects. As a result, a number of policy assessments have been developed to evaluate the current drinking “culture” in Australia.

Cancer and liver diseases

YouTube video, Drinking linked to cancer (

Alcohol misuse effect on physical health

People who excessively use alcohol are at risk for a number of negative health effects. For example, alcohol misuse can lead to obesity, greater body mass and cancers of the esophagus, kidney, bowel, pancreas and endometrial.

In addition, alcohol consumption negatively affects sleep quality. Therefore, researchers advise that is best to avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed.


Problem caused by alcohol

      Research undertaken across a range of fields, including economics, criminology, and public health, indicate a possible relationship between alcohol availability, alcohol consumption and criminal behaviour such as driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol.


Thursday, 11 April 2013

Mind map (Alcohol Misuse)

The mind map for alcohol misuse was created in week one  as a social  issue. The mind map was divided into four sections, the first was about the society, the second section was about the Effects of  alcohol on mental and physical health, the third one is problem caused by alcohol and the last section was about Australian culture .